If 2013 Broke Your Heart… | Urban Hallelujah

21 Feb

Sometimes it feels like all we will ever know is the refiner’s fire. I am no Biblical scholar, but in rare moments I have wondered if the people who suffer the most trials and tribulations on this earth are paradoxically the most blessed of all people, because as the blogpost below points out, our burdens, trials, tribulations and just plain sucky circumstances force us to either get bitter or to lean on the Lord. 

I’ve observed many Christians over the years (those that seem to encounter an unusual amount of hardships) repeatedly chose to lean on the Lord.  Somehow, I think people interpret that to mean that the circumstances become easier to deal with, but I don’t think that’s true at all. The lightening of the load comes from trusting there is a purpose, a plan and even on the days when that’s not enough (because there will be those days) you know deep in your soul that He is there and you are not alone. Alone in bad circumstances is profoundly worse than having the Holy Spirit within you in the midst of your bad situation. 

I am so grateful for the encouragment I’ve received from those who have done little more than trudge their way through problem after problem, trial after trial serving as a living Bible for me and others to read. Most were completely unaware that anyone was observing their faithful walk. My prayer is that you and I will have eyes to see the work of the Lord and ears to hear what He says to the church (for that is what we are collectively) so that when our time comes to walk through the fire we instinctively follow the example displayed before us in better days. 

He is doing a new thing, but sometimes, we, like the wilderness wandering Israelites want nothing more than to return to the old, the familiar, the comfortable existence we once complained about. The known is less frightening than the unknown new thing God has planned for us. It takes courage to move into our new reality. Courage to face the raging Red Sea. Courage to walk across the seabed blown dry by the breath of God who is holding back the towering wall of water on either side of us. The Christian life requires the courage to allow God to have His way and to follow along behind Him as He leads us to places we never wanted to venture. And God knows this. 

He knows!

That’s why he told Joshua repeatedly to be strong and very (yes, He used that word!) courageous. It takes far more strength and courage to surrender your efforts, let go of your plans, and take the hand that reaches back for us, securely leading us into the vast and frightening unknown, than it takes to strive to control the chaos around us through our own dogged determination. 

Faith and trust are the hallmarks of courage.

When you exercise your faith and trust in God, you are bravely courageous!

Please follow the link below because it doesn’t matter what year broke your heart – we all end up broken at some point.


We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it… 2 Corinthians 1:8 Each Christmas, my husband and I search the city over, in pursui…

Source: If 2013 Broke Your Heart… | Urban Hallelujah


Posted by on February 21, 2017 in Adversity, Faith, Links


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3 responses to “If 2013 Broke Your Heart… | Urban Hallelujah

  1. Melanie

    February 21, 2017 at 5:05 am

    “I am so grateful for the encouragment I’ve received from those who have done little more than trudge their way through problem after problem, trial after trial serving as a living Bible for me and others to read.”-Oh, the dear saints that I hold in my heart as such encouragement!

    I love this Janet! I think this may be what both you and I have declared repeatedly: Endurance IS victory. Making it through, submitting to the Father’s will doesn’t always (very rarely, I suspect) end in some kind of earthly resurrection scene-bold, definitive and wildly victorious. But if we keep putting one foot in front of the other, keep walking in the direction He leads and keep our eyes focused on our Shepherd-we are declaring with our lives “Praise to Jehovah”-Hallelu Yah!

    I am so very grateful for YOU, friend. I hate that we share child loss but I love that we share Jesus. One day our hearts will be whole again and our hallelujahs will resound along with all the redeemed. A beautiful and glorious day.


  2. Jude

    February 21, 2017 at 4:26 pm

    Nailed it, Janet!

    I will share with you one of my son’s poems which is now published in my new book: ‘Gifts from the Ashes’…How he knew these things at such a young age is beyond me. But I’m grateful that he did.

    ‘Tis the Duty of a Man’

    by Rod Whelan

    ‘Tis the duty of a man
    Buried with misfortune
    To rise above his hardships
    And spread his arms to all men
    Who were so unfortunate
    To miss such sweet misfortune
    For only through tribulations
    And bitter complications
    Does a man come to realize
    That you are your brother’s keeper
    And in a world of diminishing size
    Everyone’s a teacher
    Through your actions
    Through your words
    Even through your being
    You lead men in herds
    So walk the narrow path
    And do not harden your heart
    For true happiness you will have
    If you play your part



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